Virtual Coachig Tech Mentorship Employability Skills Training
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About Us

Launched in 2020, X-Academy is a remote learning service branch from CoXplore, co-curated with global instructors (coaches, trainers, consultants) focusing on core soft skills that enable remote management. We facilitate a wide range of workshops & training sessions focusing on working from home during the Covid19 pandemic and effective virtual communication across teams.

What We Offer

Our Services

Virtual Experience

Our Programs

We partner with corporates and universities in Vietnam, Singapore, Japan, and Indonesia to organize virtual internship programs for students around Asia-Pacific. Our remote-first approach enables us to work across borders with partners around the globe, from Asia-Pacific to the Nordic (Europe) market, and expanding to America this 2022. At CoXplore, we believe remote work is the future of work.

Find out what our interns do during this program here

As a Virtual Assistant, you are expected to multitask in cross-functional remote projects within our ecosystem. Your daily role will extend throughout the department of marketing, sales, tech, administration, operations, etc. This position will be suitable for people who want to focus on overall management skills, rather than any single field specifically. This means that you will get to acquire and learn different skills and knowledge across these business functions.

Additionally, you will gain valuable hands-on experiences in planning, launching, and coordinating remote projects 100% online along with our remote team. You will also get to work with our international partners around Asia, Europe, Africa, and America.

Virtual internship program in 2021 with a strong focused on entrepreneurship, during which students will have the chance to experience setting up their own project as entrepreneurs. Find out more information here.

Meet the Team

Coaches, Mentors, and Trainers

Diversity | Experience | Customisable

Why Work With Us?

Start Now

Importance of Beginning Early

It is of pivotal importance to improve and hone our employability skills. CoXplore’s Virtual Internship Program (VIP) encompasses multiple opportunities to empower students to navigate their international careers. This program is conducted remotely, breaking past international barriers. Expect to work with colleagues, partners, and clients with diverse global backgrounds. Learn to communicate effectively through our Business and Conversational English coaching, work with and learn from more experienced English-speaking peers. 

Check out our Remote Internship Vietnam page here for more information! 

Universities in the Program

Our Partners

What They Say


Contact Us

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